Source code for toio.cube.api.sensor

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ************************************************************
#     Copyright 2022 Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.
# ************************************************************

import pprint
import struct
from enum import IntEnum
from typing import Optional, TypeAlias, Union

from toio.cube.api.base_class import CubeCharacteristic, CubeCommand, CubeResponse
from toio.device_interface import CubeInterface, GattReadData
from toio.logger import get_toio_logger
from toio.toio_uuid import TOIO_UUID_SENSOR_INFO

logger = get_toio_logger(__name__)

[docs]class RequestMotionDetection(CubeCommand): """ Motion information request command References: """ _payload_id = 0x81
[docs] def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def __bytes__(self) -> bytes: return bytes((self._payload_id,))
[docs]class PostureDataType(IntEnum): Euler = 0x01 Quaternions = 0x02
[docs]class RequestPostureAngleDetection(CubeCommand): """ Posture angle information request command References: """ _payload_id = 0x83
[docs] def __init__(self, data_type: PostureDataType): self.data_type = data_type
[docs] def __bytes__(self) -> bytes: return bytes((self._payload_id, self.data_type))
[docs]class RequestMagneticSensor(CubeCommand): """ Magnetic sensor information request command References: """ _payload_id = 0x82
[docs] def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def __bytes__(self) -> bytes: return bytes((self._payload_id,))
[docs]class Posture(IntEnum): """Posture Orientation of the cube. Reference: """ Unknown = 0 Top = 1 Bottom = 2 Rear = 3 Front = 4 Right = 5 Left = 6
[docs]class MotionDetectionData(CubeResponse): """MotionDetectionData Information on the cube's motion detection. Attributes: horizontal (bool): Horizontal detection collision (bool): Collision detection double_tap (bool): Double-tap detection posture (Posture): Posture detection shake (int): Shake detection (0:no shake, 1:Level1 - 10:Level10) Reference: """ _payload_id = 0x01 _converter = struct.Struct("<BBBBBB")
[docs] @staticmethod def is_myself(payload: GattReadData) -> bool: return payload[0] == MotionDetectionData._payload_id
[docs] def __init__(self, payload: GattReadData): if MotionDetectionData.is_myself(payload): ( _, horizontal, collision, double_tap, posture, shake, ) = self._converter.unpack_from(payload) self.horizontal = horizontal != 0 self.collision = collision != 0 self.double_tap = double_tap != 0 self.posture = Posture(posture) self.shake = shake else: raise TypeError("wrong payload")
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return pprint.pformat(vars(self))
[docs]class PostureAngleEulerData(CubeResponse): """PostureAngleEulerData Information of posture angle (Euler angle) Attributes: roll (int): Roll (X axis) pitch (int): Pitch (Y axis) yaw (nt): Yaw (Z axis) References: """ _payload_id = 0x03 _converter = struct.Struct("<BBhhh")
[docs] @staticmethod def is_myself(payload: GattReadData) -> bool: return ( payload[0] == PostureAngleEulerData._payload_id and payload[1] == PostureDataType.Euler )
[docs] def __init__(self, payload: GattReadData): if PostureAngleEulerData.is_myself(payload): _, _, self.roll, self.pitch, self.yaw = self._converter.unpack_from(payload) else: raise TypeError("wrong payload")
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return pprint.pformat(vars(self))
[docs]class PostureAngleQuaternionsData(CubeResponse): """PostureAngleQuaternionData Information of posture angle (Quaternion) Attributes: w (int): x (int): y (int): z (int): References: """ _payload_id = 0x03 _converter = struct.Struct("<BBhhhh")
[docs] @staticmethod def is_myself(payload: GattReadData) -> bool: return ( payload[0] == PostureAngleQuaternionsData._payload_id and payload[1] == PostureDataType.Quaternions )
[docs] def __init__(self, payload: GattReadData): if PostureAngleQuaternionsData.is_myself(payload): _, _, self.w, self.x, self.y, self.z = self._converter.unpack_from(payload) else: raise TypeError("wrong payload")
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: return pprint.pformat(vars(self))
[docs]class MagneticSensorData(CubeResponse): """MagneticSensorData Information of magnetic sensor Attributes: state (int): Magnet state strength (int): Magnetic force strength x (int): Magnetic force direction (X axis) y (int): Magnetic force direction (Y axis) z (int): Magnetic force direction (Z axis) References: """ _payload_id = 0x02 _converter = struct.Struct("<BBBbbb")
[docs] @staticmethod def is_myself(payload: GattReadData) -> bool: return payload[0] == MagneticSensorData._payload_id
[docs] def __init__(self, payload: GattReadData): if MagneticSensorData.is_myself(payload): ( _, self.state, self.strength, self.x, self.y, self.z, ) = self._converter.unpack_from(payload) else: raise TypeError("wrong payload")
SensorResponseType: TypeAlias = Union[ MotionDetectionData, PostureAngleEulerData, PostureAngleQuaternionsData, MagneticSensorData, ] """ Response types of Sensor characteristic """
[docs]class Sensor(CubeCharacteristic): """ Sensor information characteristic References: `Motion detection <>`_ `Posture angle detection <>`_ `Magnetic sensor <>`_ """
[docs] @staticmethod def is_my_data(payload: GattReadData) -> Optional[SensorResponseType]: if MotionDetectionData.is_myself(payload): return MotionDetectionData(payload) elif PostureAngleEulerData.is_myself(payload): return PostureAngleEulerData(payload) elif PostureAngleQuaternionsData.is_myself(payload): return PostureAngleQuaternionsData(payload) elif MagneticSensorData.is_myself(payload): return MagneticSensorData(payload) else: return None
[docs] def __init__(self, interface: CubeInterface): self.interface = interface super().__init__(interface, TOIO_UUID_SENSOR_INFO)
[docs] async def read(self) -> Optional[SensorResponseType]: """ Read sensor information response Returns: One of SensorInformationData or None (None returns when read fails) """ payload = await self._read() return self.is_my_data(payload)
[docs] async def request_motion_information(self) -> None: """ Send motion information request command """ request = RequestMotionDetection() await self._write(bytes(request))
[docs] async def request_posture_angle_information( self, data_type: PostureDataType ) -> None: """ Send posture angle information request command """ request = RequestPostureAngleDetection(data_type) await self._write(bytes(request))
[docs] async def request_magnetic_sensor_information(self) -> None: """ Send magnetic sensor information request """ request = RequestMagneticSensor() await self._write(bytes(request))