a noble's peripheral object
UUID of cube BLE service
address of cube as a BLE Peripheral
id of cube as a BLE Peripheral
Connect to the cube
Promise object
Get battery status
Promise object
Read button status
Promise object
Get collision status
Promise object
Get slope status
Promise object
Move cube
[-100, 100] speed of left motor
[100, 100] speed of right motor
[0, 2550] duration in millisecond. 0 means endless.
Promise object
Play preset sound
[0 - 10] id of preset sound
Play sound
list of buzzer information (duration and note name)
the number of repeat, 0 means eternal loop.
Promise object
Stop cube movement
Stop sound
Turn off a light
Turn on a light
LED information (duration and color)
Promise object
Turn on a light
list of LED information (duration and color)
the number of repeat, 0 means eternal loop.
Promise object
Generated using TypeDoc
Create a new cube instance